About Sangeet Pravah World
"Panditji has vision that till year 2020 his disciples will turn into unistars & spread knowledge all over the world & universe."
When a thought becomes the process then it comes true as SANGEET PRAVAH WORLD. A thought towards teaching music to the world by Pandit Avadhkishor Pandey is in front of you as Sangeet Pravah World Episodes making the whole world learn true & complete Music.
Sangeet Pravah World stated "Music is Self-Productive". This Gratuitous Institution teaches with the philosophy of its originator that Music is like a pravah (regular flow) not like still water in a pool. This river is flowing regularly towards its origin. The end of this pravah is infinity. If you want to go there & want to feel the paramanand (Bliss) of music then flow with this pravah, Sangeet Pravah World.
The methodology of teaching of this music world is ingenious and something unique. It does not follow the regular teaching pattern as all the institutions does. "It is not the teacher who teaches. It is the Student who learns." This statement can clearly display the motive of Sangeet Pravah World. There is no teacher in front of you, sitting and reciting the lessons and asking you to repeat and learn. There is only a torch-bearer who is guiding you the path which will lead you to the true infinity of this deep ocean - Music "Sangeet".
This Complete Music Education provider institute makes its disciple "An Artist" from its very first day as it allow you to broaden your mind and thinking by giving you your instrument independently in your hand from the very first moment you start learning. You will feel that Complete Confidence is pervaded (filled) inside your soul so that you do not need anybody to boost you up to learn. The Guide here only corrects and edits you in your creativeness and leave you in the infinite sky of Music.
If any of the disciple/student dedicate his/her 3 complete years in the shed Sangeet Pravah World then its guaranteed that he would become an invincible (unbeatable) artist. Every institute of Music make the disciple eligible to cram or patter the knowledge or learning but Sangeet Pravah World teaching methods are creative, original and Unique. We create producers of Music not the learners. Sangeet Pravah World knows this fact that productivity can only be possible if the person is full of Grammar. Grammar creates full command and confidence in any field. Music is such a divine and creative field that it is ought to be learned in an grammatical way which Sangeet Pravah World provides to its Students.
Sangeet Pravah World is just a gardener (teacher) which sows the seeds (grammar) and waters (guides) the little plant (disciple) which further grows in a huge tree (an artist) which produces fruits (Music). If you are still watering the leaves of a plant then you are misguided but if you know to water the roots then you have got the secret to success and Sangeet Pravah World knows all the secrets to make a person succeed in his/her life. We take the hidden artist out of our disciples then improve & promote it to become the greatest by increasing its thought process level and scope of thinking.
Only this Music World make its every disciple master in all three infinite fields of Music - Vocal, Instrumental and Dance. Only teaching of Classical can make you a maestro in any field and we make A Complete Classical Vocalist, Instrumentalist & Dancer. "Nobody can Learn until he/she wills to." "You & Your Practice is the only Teacher for you." These quotes contains the ideology and vision of Sangeet Pravah World. If you want to make career in any of the creative field you need to be unique and original and Sangeet Pravah World make you eligible for that.